
Portfolio of our search and recommender products

Ecommerce Search (B2B)

As a large manufacturer or distributor, transform your business's Ecommerce portal to provide a 360o view of your products or services from pre-sales to post-sales.
Our Ecommerce Search (B2B) product helps in answering customer queries ranging from Online product catalog search in pre-sales to Product reviews/support in post-sales.

Ecommerce Search (B2C)

As a small/medium manufacturer or distributor who use Ecommerce platform Shopify increase conversions by integrating our Ecommerce Search (B2C) product on this platform.

FAQs Search

Our FAQs Search product helps in addressing this problem by automatically generating FAQs from your content - in addition to enabling intelligent search of FAQs.

Domain Specific Search

Our Domain Specific Search product can be used to address the problem of getting relevant results from specialty domains like Pharma, Brokerage etc..

Enterprise Semantic Search

Our Enterprise Semantic Search product goes deep within the existing knowledge articles, documents etc. of the business organization and returns up to 3 best/relevant answers to user queries - apart from providing links to these articles or documents.

Insurance Policy Recommender

From our field study, it was found that Insurance agents attrition rate is above 70% after 13th month persistency. Also, inactive agents in any Insurance provider's branch is more than 40%.
Our Policy Recommender (Insurance) product addresses the problems with attrition/inactive agents.